Adding an Abstract Parent Class

In preparation for doing pull up method, I needed a place to pull up my method to. This refactoring adds an abstract parent class that can be shared by more than one class. To use this refactoring, select all the classes that need the new abstract parent. Then right click on any selected class to show the popup menu. Select "Add Abstract Parent Class" from the popup menu. Enter the name of the new abstract parent class.

The automation process creates the new class with no methods or fields. Plus it updates the existing classes. Finally, it resolves any name conflicts in class files in other packages.

To add an abstract parent to a single class, press the right mouse button on the desired class. Select add abstract parent class from the menu. Then enter the name of the parent class in the dialog box.

If multiple classes should have the same abstract parent class, click the left mouse button on the first class. While holding the control key, click the left mouse button on each class that is in the group. Press the right mouse button on one of the selected classes. Select Add abstract parent class from the menu. Enter the name of the parent class in the dialog box.

Last Modified: 30 October 2003