Release Notes
JRefactory is released periodically (about weekly) as development releases, and every
few months as a major release.
JRefactory 2.9
- Version 2.9.19
- Fixed JRefactory bugs:
- Update ui for Netbeans to be more consistent and look&feel better.
- Add popup menus to Netbeans ui.
- Netbeans plugin now knows about available Netbeans projects.
- Netbeans build file now builds a Netbeans module (.nbm) file.
- Version 2.9.18
- Fixed JRefactory bugs:
- Added refactorings to Netbeans plugin.
- Added file being pretty printed to Ant task exception output.
- Fix bug in pretty printing:
public @interface Preliminary { }
- Updated to version 0.7.2 of FindBugs.
- More sophisticated searching for findbugs plugins.
- Coding Standards viewer now has separate subtrees for bugs that can be
fixed with refactorings.
- jEdit plugin now a single Jar file.
- Fix selections from cut and paste detector from Netbeans.
- Version 2.9.17
- Ensure that rename field is only offered for fields (not method local variable).
- Fixed bug that caused stubs to be created with no entries for some classes
(mainly generic classes and interfaces).
- Fixed bug that caused stubs to be created with no entries for methods of interfaces.
- Swing load status is now always visible while loading is taking place
- Allow other threads some processing time while perform the soruce file parsing.
- Automatically switch between 1.4.2 and 1.5.0 when generating file summaries.
- Fixed bugs in moving UMLTypes around UMLPackage panel.
- Updated build files to make building NetBeans easier.
- Add addAnnotation() and clearAnnotations() to IDEInterface.
- Update to Netbeans plugin - added Annotations.
- Updated Netbeans with a dummy class to hold persistent data.
- Updated Netbeans with persistence.
- Version 2.9.16
- Automatically switch between 1.4.2 and 1.5.0 when generating stubs
from JDK
- Improved Netbeans support, major integration complete, still lots of
minor things to do.
- Version 2.9.15
- Fixed JRefactory bugs:
- Fixed sorting so it works for enums and Annotation type definitions.
- Fixed parsing and pretty printing of Annotation type definitions.
- Added fix to allow multiple semicolons at the end of import statements
- Fixed Line Count Visitor for annotations.
- Fixed Summary Load Visitor for annotations (it won't throw an exception,
but probably not good enough for refactoring with annotations).
- Fixed (I hope) the build_jedit.xml build.
- Fixed regression with pretty printing from JBuilder, introduced a
couple of versions ago.
- Improved Netbeans support
- Version 2.9.14
- Added many fixes to the standalone JRefactory demo.
- Version 2.9.13 - ant task release only
- Version 2.9.12
- Fixed dragging of Types in UML Viewer.
- Added JUnit tests for RenameMethod refactoring
- Updated JUnit tests for RenameField to show the problem with bug
- 813879 "rename field does not detect downcast"
- Minor update to Navigator to put class name first in tree entry.
- Fixed "show" and "hide" buttons on JRefactory tab.
- Added ExtractMethod action to Refactoring menus - does not work yet.
- For those refactorings that fail JUnit tests show warning dialog before activation.
- Made calls to JRefactory and Coding Standards functions select JavaStyle plugin and switch to appropriate tab.
- Fixed enabling of the code Navigator.
- Added more icons mainly for interfaces.
- Fixed package selector panel tree for classes without a package statement.
- Added a popup menu to the package selector window with Remove module as its only item.
Remove module does not currently remove the package summaries that made it up.
- If JAI is present enable saving of UML diagrams in PNG.
- jEdit only: keep track of which project is loaded.
- Fixed popup "No problems found" coming up twice.
- Rewrote UML diagrams to made them look better and the code be easier to use and modify.
- Refactored actions.
- Made action usage more consistent across usages.
- Added actions (all in net.sourceforge.jrefactory.action):
- ShowSourceAction
- LoadPackageAction
- SaveImageAction
- jEdit only: added messages JavaStylePlugin$JavaAST and JavaStylePlugin$JavaTree.
These are EditBus messages offering the parsed Java Abstract Syntax Tree and the tree used by the Navigator respectively.
There may be a 5 second delay between typing a character and the tree being updated
- Fixed JRefactory bugs:
- Version 2.9.11
- Added ability to parse JSP files, it works for simple JSP files.
The idea is to pretty print only the Java portions of the JSP files, This does not work yet.
- Added ability to call refactoring methods directly from the Coding Standards deficiency report.
This only works for method names that are too short at present. Soon other refactorings will be available
- Added a new refactoring Rename Method. This has not yet been fully tested.
- jEdit only: added greying out of menu items that are not available.
- jEdit only: added ability to refactor from the jEdit main view (i.e. as well as from the UML viewer).
- Removed EditorOperations and merged those functions with the IDEInterface.
- Version 2.9.10
- This release was the first for some time of a Netbeans IDE plugin.
- Version 2.9.7
- Fixed bug in java1_5.jjt that tested useAssert rather than generics
when checking whether enum is an identifier or keyword.
- Fixed bug that caused the RefactoryInstaller to be called twice in JBuilder plugin.
- Fixed bug that caused all plugins to not load the correct jdk version when installing.
- Fixed bug that meant that the JBuilder not to be able to load the IDEproperties.
- Version 2.9.6
- Fixed bug in JBuilder pretty printing
- Version 2.9.5
- Improved the Java parser mainly thanks to Sreeni.
- Turned on "OPTIMIZE_TOKEN_MANAGER=true" in the Java parser.
- Fixed jEdit IDE JavaStyle Plugin bugs:
- Fixed JRefactory bugs:
- Version 2.9.4
- Added parsing and pretty printing of annotations as defined in the JSR 175 public review.
Still a few minor problems with pretty printing annotations, but in general it seems to work well.
- Fixed JRefactory bugs:
- Version 2.9.3
- Added a Navigator Options dialog - only option is to turn off refresh as you type.
- Updated jEdit JavaStyle help documentation.
- Fixed crash in opening option dialog from "Plugins->Plugin Options..".
- Fixed pretty.settings the 4.2 version of the settings was added twice.
- Added Feature Request:
- Version 2.9.2
- Changed the help area in the Options pane to a JTextPane and enabled html help text.
- Updated JUnit tests for RFE 446056 and RFE 446058.
- Made the Navigator a common component, now called from the Stand-Alone application as
well as jEdit Plugin.
- Fixed jEdit IDE JavaStyle Plugin bugs:
- Fixed JRefactory bugs:
- Added Feature Request:
- Version 2.9.1
- Updated JUnit tests for RFE 820319.
- Separated out parser and ast so that they do not depend on other packages.
- Added loadIcon() to IDEInterface.
- Added clear icon button to CPD and Coding Standards viewers.
- More work on RFE 820319, now complete except for named variables.
- Improved Navigator in jEdit - seems to work quite well.
- Improved the Package Selection Panel use of a tree.
- Fixed JRefactory IDE bugs:
- 821325 "source code with Chinese characters."
This is a longstanding bug that has been reported several times but never with an example, thanks to JiaYun and his excellent bug report I've finally managed to track it down.
It is probably the same bug as 815070 "Non-ascii characters get replaced by '?'", but I can't tell.
- Fixed jEdit IDE JavaStyle Plugin bugs:
- Version 2.9.0
- Added a Navigator to jEdit - more work to be done.
- Changed the Package Selection Panel to use a tree - more work to be done.
- Added Feature Request:
- Fixed JRefactory IDE bugs:
JRefactory 2.8
completed 9th October 2003
JRefactory 2.7
- Version 2.7.07
- Fixed regression that meant that the JBuilder plugin was not being compiled.
- Updated to the latest (version 9) of JBuilder API.
- Updated to the latest (3.5) of Netbeans API.
- Version 2.7.06
- Fixed regression that caused some of the assert statement variants not to parse. This was not being caught by the JUnit tests so added another one to check assert statements more fully.
- Fixed JEdit bugs:
- 667347 JavaStyle does not support assertions
- Version 2.7.05
- Only enable edit->Undo Refactoring menu when there are undo actions on the stack.
- Made UndoAction an interface and created DefaultUndoAction to implement it, allow different UndoAction implementations to be plugged into UndoStack.
- Made ComplexTransform an interface and created DefaultComplexTransform to implement it, allow different ComplexTransform implementations to be plugged into Refactoring.
- Fixed JEdit bugs:
- 549394 JavaStyle Neverending Work
this was only partly fixed in Version 2.7.0
- Version 2.7.04
- (regression) Fixed regression causing Refactory command line premature exit.
- (UML Diagrams) RFE 568317 Better scaling on prints
- (UML Diagrams) Further improvements to UML class diagram drawing and printing.
- (UML Diagrams) Positions of Types, etc now saved when diagram closed.
- (assertions) Modified grammar so "assert" may be an identifier in pre-JDK 1.4 code.
- (UML Diagrams) Added automatic positioning for types in the class diagram based on a mixture of simulated annealling and spring forces along relationships, gravity makes subclasses more to the bottom.
- Now has consitent usage of path to the .Reactory settings directory.
- Fixed JRefactory bugs:
- 554735 PrettyPrintchokes on //End Class after }
- Version 2.7.03
- (JDK1.5) Fixed various bugs so that now all of the source code provided with "adding generics early access 2.0" can be parsed.
- (UML Diagrams) Fixed bugs in UML class diagram drawing and printing.
- (PrettyPrinter) added this tag (with defaults) to pretty.settings; when false 'C' style comments that end a line with program code on it are treated as single line comments.
- (JEdit) Added support for the new JEdit JRefactoryPlugin.
- Fixed JRefactory bugs:
- 651793 Failure to parse sdk1.4.0 src.jar
- 687798 Failed compile under JDK 1.4.1
- 688026 @tags strange reformating
- 688031 @tags strange reformating
- 692550 Refactory failes parsing 1.3.1_03's src.jar
- 692568 Refactory failes parsing 1.3.1_03's src.jar
- 705820 Parser failure loading JDK 1.4.1
- 761890 C style comment on program line
- Version 2.7.02
- (JDK1.5) More work on parsing the JDK 1.5 new language features.
- (PrettyPrinter) added these tags (with defaults) to pretty.settings; they control the Javadoc comment output for "enum" types.
enum.descr=Description of Enumeration
- Fixed a JRefactory bug:
- 758816 "-" sign after a cast fails to parse.
- Version 2.7.01
- JRefactory bugs fixed:
- 574070 Error pretty print (EOF on comment)
- 583264 else.start.line bug
- 605626 Pretty break code by removing wrong {}
- 616419 Selective word wrap for JavaDoc
- 641473 PrettyPrinter adds @param in wrong place
- 679496 PP removes spaces in HTML in JavaDoc.
- 693745 Array initializer indent carries over to rest of code.
- 703771 static public/private initializations create compiler error
- 722293 surprise.return=param is broken (think this is fixed but have no test case)
- JEdit bugs fixed:
- 469005 JavaStyle does not work correctly
- 549394 JavaStyle Neverending Work
- 551481 JavaStyle javadoc comment error
- 570143 JavaStyle wrong indentation
- 692442 JavaStyle doesn't space out "switch" keyword properly
- 728002 JavaStyle Doesn't handle // comments inside /* */
- There is one JRefactory pretty printing bug left:
- 693738 Header re-inserted when imports re-ordered, I've partly fixed it.
* header
import java.util.*;
import java.sql.*;
becomes after pretty printing:
import java.sql.*;
* header
import java.util.*;
It is not obvious that this is a bug (should the header stay with the java.util import or should it stay at the top of the list of imports?), or how to fix it.
- Version 2.7.00
- (JDK1.5) Based on version 2.6.40, this is a branch created by Mike Atkinson ( the original program by Chris Seguin (
- Version 2.7.x adds JDK 1.5 language features. As these are still being worked on by Sun (and others) under various JSR's support should be considered preliminary. The language features are those supplied by "adding generics early access 2.0"
JRefactory Version 2.6
- Version 2.6.40
- Version 2.6.38
- (PrettyPrinter) Javadoc @ tags that do not consist of only letters and digits are treated as inline and left inside the description rather than breaking them out onto their own lines.
- (PrettyPrinter) instanceof requires a space around it even if no other operators do
- (IDE) JDeveloper support added for pretty printer and pretty printer configuration
- Version 2.6.37
- (UML) Popup menu correctly activated for a Mac.
- (PrettyPrinter) Added newlines at the start of a multiline method, and before extends and implements in a class. Indent specified.
- (PrettyPrinter) Fixed spaces before operators when operator is on a new line
- (PrettyPrinter) Align initializer {} with the code option
- (PrettyPrinter) Normal indent when surprise return is encountered
- Version 2.6.36
- (PrettyPrinter) Fixed ; after a static block
- (PrettyPrinter) No spaces around operators
- (PrettyPrinter) Added a sort bean properties together
- (Refactoring) Rename method parameter where the method is invoked on the parameter
- Version 2.6.35
- (PrettyPrinter) Processing for assert keyword
- Version 2.6.34
- (PrettyPrinter) Constructors use the correct exception tag
- (PrettyPrinter) Constructors throw param.descr not found MissingSettingsException fixed
- (PrettyPrinter) Do not discard incorrect @param and @exception tags
- (PrettyPrinter) Switch to add spaces inside the parens of a cast
- (PrettyPrinter) Switch to add space a between method and arguments
- (PrettyPrinter) Move spaces before operators to previous line
- (Refactoring) More error checking for command line repackage (move class) and rename class
- Version 2.6.33
- (PrettyPrinter) Don't pop up an error dialog box when pretty printer is running in quiet mode, instead return the number of problems
- (PrettyPrinter) Non standard exception tags don't increase each time the system runs. Ability to unit test exception tags.
- Version 2.6.32
- (PrettyPrinter) Added support for DL and DD/DT tags
- (PrettyPrinter) Don't print the javadoc comments twice if there are two javadoc comments before a method
- Version 2.6.31
- (PrettyPrinter) Moved undo.stk and log.txt into the .Refactory directory
- (PrettyPrinter) Inplace file in the current directory
- (PrettyPrinter) Multiline field and variable initializers formatted properly
- (PrettyPrinter) Minor bug fixes
- Version 2.6.30
- (PrettyPrinter) Remove unnecessary {} around if and while and for
- (PrettyPrinter) Add extra blank lines before the class declaration
- Version 2.6.29
- (PrettyPrinter) Remove spaces around imports
- (PrettyPrinter) Require an extra blank line after the package statement
- Version 2.6.28
- (PrettyPrinter) Insert spaces before and after local variable declarations
- Version 2.6.27
- (PrettyPrinter) Fixed bugs in the parser
- (PrettyPrinter) Fixed bugs in the initial setup of the pretty printer files
- Version 2.6.26
- (PrettyPrinter) Provided a user interface for the pretty printer configuration
- Version 2.6.25
- (PrettyPrinter) Broke the name of the variable into words. Use {4} to specify use words in the pretty.settings file.
- (PrettyPrinter) Specify the amount to indent the case statement with case.indent=# value. The default is the same as the indent value in the pretty.settings file.
- (PrettyPrinter) When the pretty printer is run from the command line, the user can have it create a backup of the file by adding an extension to the key pretty.printer.backup.ext in the pretty.settings file.
- (PrettyPrinter) Order methods, fields, and nested classes by the final attribute. If it is marked as final it can be sorted to the top or the bottom of the file. This feature is not enabled by default. Find sort.6= and remove the #. Note that the sort.# that are not commented out must be consecutive, so you might have to number the sort items.
- (PrettyPrinter) Alphabetize methods, fields, and classes. Note that if you have fields that are initialized and requiring the sort algorithm to keep those in order, this feature won't work. This feature is not enabled by default. Find sort.7= and remove the #. Note that the sort.# that are not commented out must be consecutive, so you might have to number the sort items.
- Version 2.6.24
- (Ant Task) Added an Ant task and a CVS util
- (IDE) Reloaded the JBuilder project after refactoring
- (IDE) Close files before performing a refactoring that removes, renames, or moves a class
- (IDE) Added a filter mechanism to limit the names of packages displayed in the package selection list box. This is infrastructure only and does not change the current behavior.
- (IDE) Save the files to disk in JBuilder before performing the refactoring.
- (IDE) Restore the displaying of the accellerator keys to the menu
- (Refactoring) Correctly identify thrown exception that is caught inside the extracted method as a variable that does not need to be a parameter
- (PrettyPrinter) Fixed a bug with else.start.line that was introduced in 2.6.23
- Version 2.6.23
- (PrettyPrinter) Fixed an interaction between force.block=false and else.start.line=false
- (PrettyPrinter) Fixed a infinite loop pretty printing files with /* */
- (PrettyPrinter) Variable indented with the block0
- Version 2.6.22
- (PrettyPrinter) When the javadoc can fit on a single line, it is allowed to stay on a single line
To enable this function you need to edit the pretty.settings file and add allow.singleline.javadoc=true
- (UML Diagrams) New UML Class Diagram should have OK/Cancel buttons and be resizeable
- (PrettyPrinter) Default values in pretty.settings match Sun's Java Coding standards
- Version 2.6.21
- (Other) Centered the dialog boxes on the frame
- (Refactoring) Improved the ExtractMethodDialog box so that it would not resize and dance
- (Command Line) Allow the system to launch an editor when using JRefactory's UML diagrams in a command line mode
To enable this feature, edit the source.editor setting in the uml.settings file. $FILE specifies the file to edit and $LINE specifies the line number to jump to.
- Version 2.6.20
- (PrettyPrinter) Add a footer
To enable this feature, add a set of lines called footer.# to the pretty.settings file
- (PrettyPrinter) Improved the emacs style
- (Refactoring) Fixed a bug with extracting a method
- Version 2.6.19
- (PrettyPrinter) Allow the user to specify that fields with initializers maintain their current order
To enable this feature, find all the settings named "sort.#" in pretty.settings and change sort.1 to sort.2, sort.2 to sort.3, etc. Then add:
- (PrettyPrinter) Added an emacs block style which looks like pascal block style but has the { and } indented by 2 extra spaces
- Version 2.6.18
- (PrettyPrinter) Fields and local variables with arrays should be indented properly with DFS_ALWAYS (dynamic field spacing)
- Version 2.6.17
- (Refactorings) Make "rename parameter" work for the constructor
- (Refactorings) Control the extract method dialog box size
- (Refactorings) Fixed bug that made the parameters in the extract method dialog vanish suddenly
- (Refactorings) "Extract interface" goes to a strange directory
- Version 2.6.16
- (PrettyPrinter) Local variables defined in the constructor should not be indented according to the field variables
- Version 2.6.15
- (PrettyPrinter) Sort the main method to the top of a class.
To enable this feature, you need to adjust the sort criteria based on type to include the code "Main". For instance, the default behaviour sorts the type first - so that the fields appear at the top of the file, the constructors come next, and then the methods. This is specified by:
sort.1=Type(Field, Constructor, Method, NestedClass, NestedInterface, Initializer)
To force the main method to appear in a certain position, insert "Main" in the correct location. For instance after the field but before the constructors, insert it like so:
sort.1=Type(Field, Main, Constructor, Method, NestedClass, NestedInterface, Initializer)
- (PrettyPrinter) Fixed bug in the sorting routine that didn't properly order setters, getters, and other methods.
- Put JRefactory in SourceForge's CVS (with SSH)
- Version 2.6.14
- (PrettyPrinter) Don't comment anonymous classes.
This is now the default behavior.
- (PrettyPrinter) Don't comment inner classes
Enable this feature by changing the setting in pretty.settings from:
- Version 2.6.13
- (PrettyPrinter) Ability to add javadoc comments with "throws" instead of "exception".
Enable this feature by changing the setting in pretty.settings from:
- Version 2.6.12
- Visual Cafe to work again
- New function "Rename field"
- Fixed Extract Method problem
If there was only used for a field access, the object was not included in the parameter list.
- Load chinese characters
- Pretty printer loads multiple files or directories from the command line
- Fixed bug in JavadocTokenizer (out of bounds exception)
- Added more space in the metrics table
- Version 2.6.8
- Extract Method Signature keeps up with typing
- Change from circles to letters for protection
- Change the size of the sticky points
- Block summary load from entering CVS directories
- Backup files named bk?
- (PrettyPrinter) Net beans integration
- (PrettyPrinter) Don't change the spacing on HTML tags
- (PrettyPrinter) Inside Javadoc comments, you would like to maintain the spacing after the first *
- (PrettyPrinter) Maintain the formatting of a PRE tag
- (PrettyPrinter) Add a "else.start.line" option
- (PrettyPrinter) No force block
- (PrettyPrinter) Style for class blocks (either pascal or C)
- (PrettyPrinter) Adding more space around < construtor name >
- (PrettyPrinter) Lower case attribute in note
- (PrettyPrinter) Brackets for the empty method appear on the same line
- (PrettyPrinter) "final" in the initializer of the for loop incorrectly positioned
- (PrettyPrinter) Update Windows 2000 Documentation (C:\Documents and Settings\<user name>\.Refactory)
- Version 2.6.0
- Fixed Comodification Error when repainting the UML diagrams
- Hide undo stack file missing error
- Added rename parameter refactoring
- When performing the extract method refactoring, if there are zero or one parameters to the extracted method, don't provide the list and the up and down arrows.
- Keep extract method in the inner class
- Keep the method static when the method is extracted
- Keep the method synchronized when the method is extracted
- If the extracted method contained the local variable declaration, then add the local variable declaration into the place where the method was extracted.
- Improvements to the extract method GUI.
- (PrettyPrinter) Unicode characters in strings in JBuilder
- (PrettyPrinter) Survive double ; after a field
- (PrettyPrinter) Unicode characters in method names in JBuilder
- (PrettyPrinter) Load named classes defined inside a method
- (PrettyPrinter) when you initialize a field value, you would like the values ( = "stuff") to line up on the =.
- (PrettyPrinter) Separate field components by extra spaces
- (PrettyPrinter) Improve the stack trace dialog when there is an error in pretty printing the file
- (PrettyPrinter) Single indent on unexpected end of line
- (PrettyPrinter) @version@ are not javadoc tags, but input for Ant. Leave them on the same line as @version
- Version 2.5.38
- Added the Extract Interface refactoring
- Provides a key and a navigation pane for the command line interface and the JBuilder interface
- (PrettyPrinter) fixes a bug where a /* C style comment */ appears on the same line as source code, and the code before the comment is deleted (with appropriate settings in the pretty.settings file)
- Version 2.5.33
- Added "extract method" and "move method"
- Version 2.5.23
- (PrettyPrinter) Gives the user more control over the placement and formatting of comments
- (PrettyPrinter) Allows the user to specify the directory containing the settings files
- (PrettyPrinter) Indents the variable name in fields.
- Version 2.5.0
- Added "push up abstract method" and "push down method".
- Fixed bugs related to renaming classes that are exceptions and renaming classes that are only referenced inside a anonymous class
- Added zooming
- Added moving multiple classes as a group
- Version 2.4.42
- Added push up method
- Improved the movement of the scroll bars in the UML diagram
- (JBuilder only) now only loads the information to draw the UML diagrams when the user first asks for this feature.
Therefore it will not slow down the speed at which JBuilder loads. However, if you had a UML diagram open when you exited JBuilder, the refactory will load the required information as JBuilder starts - and will make JBuilder seem to load much more slowly.
- (PrettyPrinter) Adds better space control after keywords and in expressions.
- (PrettyPrinter) Places the catch and else statements on the same line as the closing brackets
- Version 2.4.34
- (PrettyPrinter) Adds the ability to insert a space before the @ symbols in the javadoc tags
- (PrettyPrinter) sorts the import statements
- Version 2.4.31
- Added JBuilder support
- Fixed a bug with repackaging where the input to the method was a constructor for a type
- Version 2.4.24
- "push up field" and "push down field"
- Fixed a parser error where the class has a dynamic initializer
- Version 2.4.21
- Added "remove class"
- More unit tests for "add abstract parent class"
- Version 2.4.18
- Added the "add abstract parent class" and the "add child class"
- Added additional functional tests for Rename class, because of bugs found with renaming a class that didn't include a factory method.
- (PrettyPrinter) Add a standard header for the file, which replaces the current header if it is present
- (PrettyPrinter) Fixes a problem for Linix/Unix users, that the directory containing the settings was sometimes referenced with capital letters, and other times referenced with lower case letters
- Version 2.4.10
- The system is now able to load classes with static initializers.
These show up as methods named ***Initializer*** in the class diagrams.
- (PrettyPrinter) Adds more control of javadoc comments - like minimum and maximum number of characters to wordwrap and the number of *s at the beginning and end of the javadoc comment
- (PrettyPrinter) Allows user to control whether there is a space after the cast command
- Version 2.4.6
- (PrettyPrinter) Fixes bug that would delete javadoc comment for @param and @exception tags
- Version 2.4.5
- (PrettyPrinter) Adds javadoc for JUnit methods
- (PrettyPrinter) Adds class javadoc minimum levels
- (PrettyPrinter) Fixes for the line number tool so that multiple files can be loaded
- Version 2.4
- The GUI has been improved.
- Selection of the current class if it is not already been selected
- Alphabetized list of packages to move the current class to
- Anything related to renaming a class.
- Adds intelligent javadoc for run and main methods
- Adds more control as to when to insert the javadoc comments
- Provides a plugin for JBuilder and Symantec's Visual Cafe.
- Version 2.3
- adds intelligent javadoc for getter and setter methods.
- Version 2.2
- Fixed some bugs with the repackage refactoring
These are associated with not noticing the class because it was only used in an allocation expression.
- A second bug where the entire package path is used to specify a type has also been fixed.
- Fixes a bug with allocating and initializing arrays of objects
- Version 1.2
- It also is much more robust using javacc's static parser rather than trying to create a separate parser for each file.
- Indent with tabs or other characters
- Specify the number of blank lines between methods.
- Reformats the HTML in javadoc comments
- Bug Fix: the parser failing with a null pointer exception on some files.
- Bug Fix: it does not include the \r when the result is passed to Elixir.
- Bug Fix: keeps comments in around {}
Last Modified: 27 April 2004